Research paper / Proceedings / Review / Book (2004~)

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Laras Putri Wigati*, Ata Aditya Wardana, Jakia Sultana Jothi, Tran Thi Van, Xirui Yan, Fumina Tanaka, Fumihiko Tanaka, Biochemical and color stability preservation of strawberry using edible coatings based on jicama starch/calcium propionate/agarwood bouya essential oil during cold storage, Journal of Stored Products Research, 107, 102324 (2024). (IF=2.7) web

Francis Ngwane Nkede, Mohammad Hamayoon Wardak, Ata Aditya Wardana, Meng Fanze, Xirui Yan, Jakia Sultana Jothi, Nguyen Thi Hang Phuong, Fumina Tanaka, Fumihiko Tanaka*, Preparation and characterization of edible coating and film composed of sodium alginate/ylang-ylang oil/cellulose nanocrystals Pickering emulsion and its application to post-harvest control of mandarin (Citrus reticulata), Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 691, 133859 (2024). (IF=5.2) web

Arisa Koga, Nguyen Thi Hang Phuong, Laras Putri Wigati, Fumina Tanaka, Fumihiko Tanaka*, Applicability of hinokitiol-added gelatin/konjac glucomannan-based coatings for the preservation of fresh fruits cultivated in Japan, Environmental Control in Biology, xx(*), xx-xx (2024). Accepted

Xirui Yan, Fanze Meng, Tran Thi Van, Laras Putri Wigati, Francis Ngwane Nkede, Wardak Mohammad Hamayoon, Ata Aditya Wardana, Fumina Tanaka*, Fumihiko Tanaka, Water barrier coating of chitosan/poly (vinyl alcohol)/trans-cinnamaldehyde regulated postharvest quality and reactive oxygen species metabolism of‘Frutica’ tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.), Postharvest Biology and Technology, 212, 112910 (2024). (IF=7) web

Arisa Koga, Fumina Tanaka, Shoji Hagiwara, Laras Putri Wigati, Fumihiko Tanaka*, Functional properties of gelatin/konjac glucomannan-based coatings with Aomori hiba essential oil and their effect on ethylene production in peach fruit (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch cv. ‘Hikawa Hakuho’) during cold storage, Environmental Control in Biology, xx, xx-xx (2024). Accepted

田中史彦,田中良奈(農産食料流通工学研究室),データサイエンスが拓くエディブルコーティングデザイン,FOOMA Japan 2024, アカデミックプラザ 発表講演要旨集CD (2024).


田中良奈,田中史彦,脱プラスチック社会の構築に向けた青果物可食コーティング技術の開発,農業食料工学会誌,86(2),78-82 (2024).

Gracella Kusuma, Vincensius Marcellino, Ata Aditya Wardana*, Laras Putri Wigati, Chandra Liza, Retno Wulandari, R. Haryo Bimo Setiarto, Fumina Tanaka, Fumihiko Tanaka, Wahyu Ramadhan, Biofunctional Features of Pickering Emulsified Film from Citrus Peel Pectin/Limonene Oil/Nanocrystalline Cellulose, International Journal of Food Science and Technology, xx(x), xxx-xxx (2024). (IF=3.3) web Accepted

坂本一馬,田中良奈,田中史彦,カイコサナギの乾燥特性とGC-MS/MSによるメタボローム解析,アグリバイオ,8(3),37-39 (2024). web

Xirui Yan, Fanze Meng, Laras Putri Wigati, Tran Thi Van, Nguyen Thi Hang Phuong, Arisa Koga, Fumina Tanaka*, Fumihiko Tanaka, Improvement of cross-linked films based on chitosan/diepoxy-poly (ethylene glycol) incorporating trans-cinnamaldehyde essential oil: Preparation, properties, and application in banana storage, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 263, part 2, 130299 (2024). (IF=8.2) web

Nguyen Thi Hang Phuong*, Fumina Tanaka, Ata Aditya Wardana, Tran Thi Van, Xirui Yan, Francis Ngwane Nkede, Fumihiko Tanaka, Persimmon preservation using edible coating of chitosan enriched with ginger oil and visualization of internal structure changes using X-ray computed tomography, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 262, Part 1, 130014 (2024). (IF=8.2) web

Vincensius Marcellino, Gracella Kusuma, Ata Aditya Wardana*, Laras Putri Wigati, Chandra Liza, Retno Wulandari, R. Haryo Bimo Setiarto, Fumina Tanaka, Fumihiko Tanaka, Enhancing functional features of pectin-based coating by incorporating cellulose nanofiber/peppermint oil, International Journal of Food Science and Technology, xx(x), xxx-xxx (2024). (IF=3.3) web Accepted

Manaka Takahashi, Francis Ngwane Nkede, Fumina Tanaka*, Fumihiko Tanaka, Development and characterization of mung bean starch and citric acid active packaging combined with terpinen-4-ol and its application to strawberry preservation, Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 18, 2280-2292 (2024). (IF=3.4) web

Grettivia Gotama, Ata Aditya Wardana*, Laras Putri Wigati, Fumina Tanaka, Fumihiko Tanaka, Antimicrobial Feature of Traditional Coconut Leaf-Based Packaging Coated with Propolis, Macromolecular Symposia, xx, xx-xx (2024). Accepted

Mohammad Hamayoon Wardak, Francis Ngwane Nkede, Tran Thi Van, Fanze Meng, Fumina Tanaka, Fumihiko Tanaka*, Development of edible films and partial coating, a novel coating technique for tomato fruits, using citric acid-crosslinked starch and cellulose nanofiber, Progress in Organic Coatings, 187, 108127 (2024). (IF=6.6) web

Nguyen Thi Hang Phuong, Tran Thi Van, Francis Ngwane Nkede, Fumina Tanaka, Fumihiko Tanaka*, Preservation of strawberries using chitosan incorporated with lemongrass essential oil: An X-ray computed tomography analysis of the internal structure and quality parameters, Journal of Food Engineering, 361, 111737(2024). (IF=5.5) web

Tran Thi Van, Nguyen Thi Hang Phuong, Kazuma Sakamoto, Laras Putri Wigati, Fumina Tanaka*, Fumihiko Tanaka, Effect of Edible Coating Incorporating Sodium Carboxymethyl Cellulose/Cellulose Nanofibers and Self-Produced Mandarin Oil on Strawberries, Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 40, 101197 (2023). (IF=8.0) web

Yukiharu Ogawa, Yasumaru Hirai, Hirofumi Mino, Terumi Sugawara, Kenji Hiyoshi, Shigeki Inaba, Takeshi Shikanai, Takashi Okayasu, Fumina Tanaka, Fumihiko Tanaka (Ed. by Umezuruike Linus Opara): Chapter 3-14 Present contents and trial approach of student experiment for ABEE in Japan in "Agricultural and Biological Engineering Education: Global Perspectives and Current Practice", Taylor & Francis Group, LLC., ISBN-10:143980771X, ISBN-13:978-1439807712 (2023).

田代紗英,吉村明音,田中良奈,田中史彦,バイオスペックル画像解析と機械学習によるカキ軟化判別,細胞,55(13),76-78 (2023). web

阿部伶香,田中良奈,田中史彦,青果物細胞組織内のガス移動解析と有効拡散係数の推算,アグリバイオ,7(12),62-64 (2023). web

Ata Aditya Wardana*, Laras Putri Wigatil, Xirui Yan, Francis Ngwane Nkede, Jakia Sultana Jothi, Fumina Tanaka, Fumihiko Tanaka, Roughness Study of Hydroxypropyl Cellulose Film Surface Loaded with Cinnamaldehyde/Lauric Arginate by Atomic Force Microscopy, E3S Web of Conferences(ICoN BEAT 2021), 432, 00006 (2023) web

Ata Aditya Wardana*, Laras Putri Wigatil, Xirui Yan, Francis Ngwane Nkede, Jakia Sultana Jothi, Fumina Tanaka, Fumihiko Tanaka, Atomic force microscopy study of surface microstructure properties of hydroxpropylcellulose/cinnamaldehyde composite biofilm, E3S Web of Conferences(ICTCED 2023), 425, 01009 (2023) web

田代紗英,田中良奈,田中史彦,バイオスペックルを用いたナシ心腐れ病の早期判別の可能性,2023年度日本冷凍空調学会年次大会論文集,D323, 1-6 (2023)

阿部伶香,田中良奈,田中史彦,X線CTマッピング情報に基づくカキ果実のガス移動シミュレーション,2023年度日本冷凍空調学会年次大会論文集,D324, 1-5 (2023)

田中史彦,田中良奈,渡邊建士,セルオートマトン法によるバイオフィルム形成シミュレーションモデルの構築,アグリバイオ,7(10),44-46 (2023). web

Xirui Yan, Ata Aditya Wardana, Laras Putri Wigati, Fanze Meng, Sergio Leonard, Francis Ngwane Nkede, Fumina Tanaka*, Fumihiko Tanaka: Characterization and Bio-functional Performance of Chitosan/Poly (vinyl alcohol)/trans-Cinnamaldehyde Ternary Biopolymeric Films. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 246, 125680 (2023). (IF=8.2) web

Xirui Yan, Tungalag Dong, Xueyan Yun*, Fumihiko Tanaka, Fumina Tanaka, Ata Aditya Wardana, Fanze Meng, Improving ‘Nanguo’ pear fungal disease and storability by chitosan coating combined with diepoxy-poly (ethylene glycol). Food Bioscience, 53, 102842 (2023). (IF=5.2) web

Nguyen Thi Hang Phuong, Arisa Koga, Francis Ngwane Nkede, Fumina Tanaka, Fumihiko Tanaka*, Application of edible coatings composed of chitosan and tea seed oil for quality improvement of strawberries and visualization of internal structure changes using X-ray computed tomography, Progress in Organic Coatings, 183, 107730 (2023). (IF=6.6) web

Laras Putri Wigati, Ata Aditya Wardana, Jakia Sultana Jothi, Sergio Leonard, Tran Thi Van, Xirui Yan, Fumina Tanaka*, Fumihiko Tanaka, Preserving mandarin quality during ambient storage using edible coatings of pregelatinized corn starch Pickering emulsions and essential oil. Food Bioscience, 53, 102710 (2023). (IF=5.2) web

Francis Ngwane Nkede, Ata Aditya Wardana, Nguyen Thi Hang Phuong, Manaka Takahashi, Arisa Koga, Mohammad Hamayoon Wardak, Meng Fanze, Fumina Tanaka, Fumihiko Tanaka*, Preparation and characterization of chitosan/lemongrass oil/cellulose nanofiber Pickering emulsions active packaging and its application on tomato preservation, Journal of Polymers and the Environment, 31, 4930-4945 (2023). (IF=5.3) web full text

Tran Thi Van, Ata Aditya Wardana, Arisa Koga, Fumina Tanaka*, Fumihiko Tanaka, Characterization of an edible chitosan film incorporating tea seed oil/montmorillonite and antifungal activity against Botrytis cinerea. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 58(7), 3567-3579 (2023). (IF=3.3) web

Francis Ngwane Nkede, Ata Aditya Wardana, Nguyen Thi Hang Phuong, Yan Xirui, Arisa Koga, Mohammad Hamayoon Wardak, Fumina Tanaka, Fumihiko Tanaka*, Improved alginate-based films by Ylang-ylang (Cananga odorata L) oil incorporation, Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 34(7), 2213-2223 (2023). (IF=3.4) web

田中良奈,田中史彦,マイクロ波ブランチング処理による冷凍野菜の高品質化,アグリバイオ,7(4),95-97 (2023).web

Ata Aditya Wardana, Laras Putri Wigati, Fumina Tanaka, Fumihiko Tanaka*, Incorporation of co-stabilizer cellulose nanofibers/chitosan nanoparticles into cajuput oil-emulsified chitosan coating film for fruit application, Food Control, 148, 109633 (2023). (IF=6.0) web


田中史彦,田中良奈,第9章 生物由来可食コーティングフィルムの開発と青果物鮮度保持効果(in 牛久保明邦監修「食品ロス削減技術および食品廃棄物の再資源化」, (株)シーエムシー出版, 東京, pp.118-130 (2023). web

Laras Putri Wigati, Ata Aditya Wardana, Fumina Tanaka*, Fumihiko Tanaka, Application of pregelatinized corn starch and basil essential oil edible coating with cellulose nanofiber as Pickering emulsion agent to prevent quality-quantity loss of mandarin oranges, Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 35, 101010 (2023). (IF=8.0) web

Laras Putri Wigati, Ata Aditya Wardana, Fumina Tanaka*, Fumihiko Tanaka, Strawberry preservation using combination of yam bean starch, agarwood Aetoxylon bouya essential oil, and calcium propionate edible coating during cold storage evaluated by TOPSIS-Shannon entropy, Progress in Organic Coatings, 175, 107347 (2023). (IF=6.6) web

Passakorn Kingwascharapong, Fumina Tanaka*, Arisa Koga, Supatra Karnjanapratum, Fumihiko Tanaka: Effect of Plasticizer Concentration on the Properties of Hydroxypropyl Cellulose (HPC) Film Enhanced with Sodium Dehydroacetate, Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 68(1), 55-65 (2023). pdf

Nguyen Thi Hang Phuong, Toshitaka Uchino, Fumina Tanaka, Fumihiko Tanaka*: Effect of 1-MCP concentration on the quality of broccoli (Brassica oleracea L., var. italica) during storage, Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 68(1), 45-53 (2023). pdf

田中史彦,田中良奈,SDGs達成のための可食コーティングによる青果物の鮮度保持,アグリバイオ,7(1), 84-88 (2023).web

Ata Aditya Wardana*, Laras Putri Wigati, Van Thi Tran, Fumina Tanaka, Fumihiko Tanaka, Antifungal features and properties of Pickering emulsion coating from alginate/lemongrass oil/cellulose nanofibers. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 58(2), 966-978 (2023). (IF=3.3) web

田中史彦,田中良奈,研究室訪問「九州大学大学院農学研究院 農産食料流通工学研究室」,農流技研会報 No.332,18-19 (2022).

岸 明良,田中良奈,田中史彦,陽イオン添加ブランチングがジャガイモのペクチン構造に及ぼす影響,九州農業食料工学会誌,72, 1-5 (2022).

Ata Aditya Wardana*, Laras Putri Wigati, Fumina Tanaka, Fumihiko Tanaka, Ingrid S. Surono: Probiotic cells support alginate-based edible film properties: study of optical, water barrier, and antifungal characteristics. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 58(2), 929-938 (2023). (IF=3.3) web

Ata Aditya Wardana*, Laras Putri Wigati, Fumina Tanaka, Fumihiko Tanaka, Functional enhancement of hydroxypropyl cellulose-based bionanocomposite films incorporating chitosan nanoparticles. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 58(2), 907-920 (2023). (IF=3.3) web

高橋愛佳,久松海翔,田中良奈,田中史彦,ティーツリー精油を添加した可食性コーティング剤の物理化学的特性および抗菌性,2020年度日本冷凍空調学会年次大会講演論文集,D114, 1-3 (2022).

国田悠希,田中良奈,田中史彦,数値流体力学的手法による冷凍・冷蔵二温度帯コンテナの改良と運用指針の提示,2020年度日本冷凍空調学会年次大会講演論文集,D131, 1-6 (2022).

田中史彦,田中良奈,今泉鉄平,森高正博,次世代タンパク源としての食用昆虫の可能性と持続的生産,アグリバイオ,6(10),44-47 (2022). web

Laras Putri Wigatia, Ata Aditya Wardana, Fumina Tanaka*, Fumihiko Tanaka, Characterization of Edible Film based on Yam Bean Starch, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1038, 012066 (2022). web

田中史彦,田中良奈(農産食料流通工学研究室),生物由来可食コーティングフィルムの制御と青果物の鮮度保持・抑菌効果,FOOMA Japan 2022, アカデミックプラザ 発表講演要旨集, 29 (2022).

Passakorn Kingwascharapong, Fumina Tanaka*, Arisa Koga, Supatra Karnjanapratum, Fumihiko Tanaka: Effect of Sodium Propionate on the Inhibition of Botrytis cinerea (in vitro) and Predictive Model Based on Monte Carlo Simulation, Food Science and Technology Research, 28(4), 285-295 (2022).(IF=0.780) web

Laras Putri Wigati, Ata Aditya Wardana, Fumina Tanaka*, Fumihiko Tanaka: Edible film of native jicama starch, agarwood aetoxylon bouya essential oil and calcium propionate: processing, mechanical, thermal properties and structure, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 209, Part A, 597-607 (2022).(IF=8.2) web

Ata Aditya Wardana, Passakorn Kingwascharapong, Laras Putri Wigati, Fumina Tanaka, Fumihiko Tanaka*: The antifungal effect against Penicillium italicum and characterization of fruit coating from chitosan/ZnO nanoparticle/Indoonesian sandalwood essential oil composites, Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 32, 100849 (2022).(IF=8.0) web

田中良奈,田中史彦,三次元熱水分移動モデルによるキュウリの日持ち予測,アグリバイオ,6(4),78-81 (2022). web


Ata Aditya Wardana*, Van Tran Thi, Leila Mohammadi, Fumina Tanaka, Fumihiko Tanaka: Combination of Chitosan and Peppermint Essential Oil as Potential Active Coating Against Penicillium digitatum and Botrytis cinerea, Macromolecular Symposia, 401(1), 2100315 (2022).(IF=0.90) web

Nguyen Phuong Thi Hang, Toshitaka Uchino, Fumina Tanaka, Fumihiko Tanaka*: Effect of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) and temperature on the quality of broccoli (Brassica oleracea L.) during storage, Environmental Control in Biology, 60(1), 43-51 (2022). pdf

田中史彦,田中良奈,特集 食品用冷蔵・冷凍設備の新展開「農産物混載船舶輸送を可能とする多温度帯コンテナの開発とその周辺技術」,冷凍,96(1128), 522-526 (2021). pdf(転載許可済)

田中史彦,田中良奈,研究室紹介「九州大学大学院農学研究院環境農学部門生産環境科学講座農産食料流通工学研究室」,冷凍,96(1128), 541-544 (2021). pdf(転載許可済)

田中史彦,巻頭言,九州農業食料工学会誌,71, i-ii (2021). pdf(転載許可済)

田中良奈,田中史彦,バイオスペックル法による青果物の鮮度評価の可能性,アグリバイオ,5(14),73-76 (2021). web

Ata Aditya Wardana, Arisa Koga, Fumina Tanaka, Fumihiko Tanaka*: Antifungal features and properties of chitosan/sandalwood oil Pickering emulsion coating stabilized by appropriate cellulose nanofiber dosage for fresh fruit application, Scientific Reports, 11, Article number: 18412 (2021).(IF=4.6) web

国田悠希,田中良奈,田中史彦,数値流体力学的手法による冷凍・冷蔵二温度帯コンテナの改良,2021年度日本冷凍空調学会年次大会講演論文集,A314,1-5 (2021).

吉村明音,大庭千佳,塚ア守啓,田中良奈,田中史彦,バイオスペックル画像解析によるカキの貯蔵性評価法の開発,2021年度日本冷凍空調学会年次大会講演論文集,A321,1-5 (2021).

田中史彦 特集「フードチェーンシステムの高度化による食品ロス削減」,まえがき,農業食料工学会誌,83(5), 313 (2021).

田中良奈 特集「フードチェーンシステムの高度化による食品ロス削減」,各論「輸出実証事例2 多温度帯コンテナによる輸送時の食品ロス削減」農業食料工学会誌,83(5), 332-335 (2021).

Leila Mohammadi*, Fumina Tanaka, Fumihiko Tanaka: Preservation of strawberry fruit with an Aloe vera gel and basil oil coating at ambient temperature, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 45(10), e15836 (2021).(IF=2.5) web

Ata Aditya Wardana, Passakorn Kingwascharapong, Fumina Tanaka, Fumihiko Tanaka*: CuO nanoparticles/Indonesian cedarwood essential oil-loaded chitosan coating film: Characterization and antifungal improvement against Penicillium spp., International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 56(9), 4224-4238 (2021).(IF=3.3) web

Van Thi Tran, Passakorn Kingwascharapong, Fumina Tanaka*, Fumihiko Tanaka: Effect of edible coatings developed from chitosan incorporated with tea seed oil on Japanese pear, Scientia Horticulturae, 288, Article 110314 (2021).(IF=4.3) web

田中史彦,田中良奈(農産食料流通工学研究室),生物由来可食コーティングフィルムの開発と青果物の鮮度保持効果,FOOMA Japan 2021, アカデミックプラザ 発表講演要旨集, 28 (2021).

Ata Aditya Wardana*, Fumina Tanaka, Fumihiko Tanaka, Inhibition of Botrytis cinerea by alginate/cajuput essential oil and the composite's surface properties as potential antifungal coating, Materials Today: Proceedings, 45(6), 5263-5268 (2021). web

Seong-Heon Kim, Fumina Tanaka, Fumihiko Tanaka*: Drying kinetics and determination of effective moisture diffusivity and activation energy in cucumber pericarp tissues using thin-layer drying models, Food Science and Technology Research, 27(2), 181-192 (2021).(IF=0.780) web

Leila Mohammadi, Hamed Hassanzadeh Khankahdani, Fumina Tanaka, Fumihiko Tanaka*: Postharvest shelf-life extension of button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus L.) by Aloe vera gel coating enriched with basil essential oil, Environmental Control in Biology, 59(2), 87-98 (2021). pdf


田中史彦,巻頭言,九州農業食料工学会誌,70, i (2021). pdf(転載許可済)

田中史彦,学会創立70周年を記念して ― 学会70年のあゆみ ―,九州農業食料工学会誌,70, 1-8 (2021). pdf(転載許可済)

田中史彦,田中良奈,研究機関紹介 −九州大学大学院農学研究院農産食料流通工学研究室−,九州農業食料工学会誌,70, 37 (2021).

田中良奈,常任幹事の担当を終えるにあたって ― 編集後記に代えて ―,九州農業食料工学会誌,70, 74 (2021).

Mohammad Hamayoon Wardak*, Passakorn Kingwascharapong, Shafiqullah Aryan, Fumina Tanaka, Fumihiko Tanaka: Preparation and characterization of corn starch-based film: effect of citric acid or sunflower oil and its combination, Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 15, 1907-1915 (2021).(IF=3.4) web

Leila Mohammadi, Asghar Ramezanian, Fumina Tanaka, Fumihiko Tanaka*: Impact of Aloe vera gel coating enriched with basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) essential oil on postharvest quality of strawberry fruit, Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 15, 353-362 (2021).(IF=3.4) web

田中史彦,特集「ポストハーベストを支える革新的技術」,総論「ポストハーベスト工学の最前線」,アグリバイオ,4(13),6-7 (2020). web

田中良奈,特集「ポストハーベストを支える革新的技術」,各論「青果物の最新混載輸送技術」,アグリバイオ,4(13),28-32 (2020). web

田中史彦,第56回農業食料工学会学術賞受賞論文梗概「X線CTによる青果物内部構造の解析と物性値分布の可視化」,農業食料工学会誌,82(6),511 (2020).

Leila Mohammadi, Hamed Hassanzadeh Khankahdani, Fumina Tanaka, Fumihiko Tanaka: Effect of Aloe vera gel combined with basil (Ocimum bacilicum L.) essential oil as a natural coating on maintaining postharvest quality of peach (Prunus persica L.) during storage, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 594, 012008 (2020). pdf

岡田京子,田中良奈,田中史彦,レーザースペックル法による米ゲルの粘弾性特性測定,九州農業食料工学会誌,69, 16-20 (2020).

豊島健人,田中良奈,田中史彦,バイオスペックル法によるカキ果実の鮮度評価についての一考察,九州農業食料工学会誌,69, 12-15 (2020).

森實涼子,岸 明良,田中良奈,田中史彦,1-MCP処理がカキ果実のペクチン組成およびナノ構造に与える影響,九州農業食料工学会誌,69, 7-11 (2020).

古閑亜里沙,田中良奈,田中史彦,青森ヒバ精油添加ゼラチン-コンニャクグルコマンナンベースコーティングが低温貯蔵下におけるモモ果実の品質に与える影響,2020年度日本冷凍空調学会年次大会講演論文集,C214, 1-6 (2020).

Ata Aditya Wardana*, Fumina Tanaka, Fumihiko Tanaka: Surface Microstructure of Nanocomposite from Chitosan Loaded with ZnO Nanoparticle by Atomic Force Microscopy, Key Engineering Materials, 862, 83-87 (2020). web

Passakorn Kingwascharapong, Yuki Iida, Fumina Tanaka*, Fumihiko Tanaka: Simulation of a UV-C Conveyor System Using Computer Fluid Dynamics Techniques on the Uniformity of the Incident UV-C Dose Distribution to Strawberry, Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 65(2), 371-378 (2020). pdf

田中良奈,田中史彦,最適貯蔵温度の異なる青果物の混載輸送を可能とする二温度帯コンテナの開発,農流技研会報 No.323,16-19 (2020). pdf(転載許可済)

田中史彦,田中良奈(農産食料流通工学研究室),バイオスペックルによる青果物鮮度評価と活性度の可視化,FOOMA Japan 2020, アカデミックプラザ 発表講演要旨集CD (2020).

Seong-Heon Kim, Chinatsu Nishihara, Fumina Tanaka*, Fumihiko Tanaka: Simulation of Temperature Profile and Moisture Loss of Fresh Cucumber Fruit and Visualization of Commercial Storage Duration, Food Science and Technology Research, 26(4), 459-468 (2020). (IF=0.780) web

田中史彦,九州ブロックのこれから,農業食料工学会誌,82(3), 1-2 (2020). pdf(転載許可済)

田中史彦,田中良奈,今泉鉄平,森高正博,代替動物起源タンパク資源としての食用昆虫のポテンシャルとその持続的生産,昆虫と自然,55(5), 28-31 (2020). web


田中史彦(分担執筆),「農業食料工学ハンドブック」,コロナ社 (2020).

石橋咲季,劉然*,森高正博,三牧奈美,塚崎守啓,田中良奈,田尻一裕,馬場紀子,田中史彦,福田晋,海上輸送された日本産トマトに対する消費者選好の研究―香港の中間所得層を対象とした試食試験より―,九州大学大学院農学研究院学芸雑誌, 75(1), 1-19 (2020). pdf

Passakorn Kingwascharapong, Supatra Karnjanapratum, Fumina Tanaka*, Fumihiko Tanaka: Impact of Asian Bull Frog (R. tigerina) Skin Oil on Growth Inhibition of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (in vitro) and its Prediction Modeling, Food Science Technology Research, 26(1), 47-52 (2020).(IF=0.780) web

Passakorn Kingwascharapong, Arisa Koga, Supatra Karnjanapratum, Fumina Tanaka, Fumihiko Tanaka*: Effect of Gelatin-based Coating Containing Frog Skin Oil on the Quality of Persimmon and its Characteristics, Scientia Horticulturae, 260, Article 108864 (2020).(IF=4.3) web

田中史彦,田中良奈 他 「農産物輸出拡大にむけた産地広域連携モデルの構築と混載輸送用コンテナの開発および革新的輸出用ケース・鮮度保持技術を組合せた大量輸送グローバルコールドチェーンの確立」,生物系特定産業技術研究支援センター 革新的技術開発・緊急展開事業「地域戦略プロジェクト」研究成果パンフレット web 1, 3, 4, 5

Poly Karmoker, Wako Obatake, Fumina Tanaka*, Fumihiko Tanaka*, Visualization of Porosity and Thermal Conductivity Distributions of Japanese Apricot and Pear during Storage Using X-ray Computed Tomography, Engineering in Agriculture, Environment and Food (EAEF), 12(4), 505-510 (2019). web

田中史彦,田中良奈,第1章 収穫後の生理 第2節 蒸散,「青果物の鮮度評価・保持技術 〜収穫後の生理・化学的特性から輸出事例まで〜」,(株)エヌ・ティー・エス (2019).

田中史彦,田中良奈,第4章 収穫後の微生物による腐敗,「青果物の鮮度評価・保持技術 〜収穫後の生理・化学的特性から輸出事例まで〜」,(株)エヌ・ティー・エス (2019).

田中史彦,田中良奈,第1章 飲料製造におけるHACCPとそれを支える分析技術 第2節 HACCP制度化における動的予測微生物学的手法の活用,「ボトリングテクノロジー 〜飲料製造における充填技術と衛生管理〜」,(株)エヌ・ティー・エス (2019).

Passakorn Kingwascharapong, Yuki Iida, Fumina Tanaka*, Fumihiko Tanaka: Effects of UV-C Treatment on Green Mold Rot (Penicillium digitatum) and Physico-Chemical Properties of Post-Harvest Strawberry Using UV-C Conveyer Machine, Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 64(2), 301-307 (2019). pdf

沖香菜子,田中良奈, 田中史彦,バイオスペックルを用いた青果物の鮮度評価,2019年度日本冷凍空調学会年次大会講演論文集,D314,1-3 (2019).

西原知奈津, 金成憲, 田中良奈, 田中史彦,青果物の貯蔵・流通工程における水分損失予測シミュレーション,2019年度日本冷凍空調学会年次大会講演論文集,D322,1-5 (2020).

田中史彦,村田敏先生のご逝去を悼む(追悼文),農業食料工学会誌,81(5), 314-315 (2019).(転載許可済)

田中史彦,巻頭言,農業食料工学会九州支部誌,68,i-ii (2019). web pdf(転載許可済)

内野敏剛,高間 翠,高木浩一,高橋克幸,小出章二,田中史彦,清原正光,気中に浮遊するPenicillium italicum分生子の大気圧プラズマによる殺菌,農業食料工学会九州支部誌,68,1-6 (2019).

田中良奈,農産物の貯蔵・輸送技術−5.混載輸送を可能とする多温度帯コンテナの開発と品質保持効果,農業食料工学会九州支部誌,68,21-22 (2019).

田中史彦,田中良奈(農産食料流通工学研究室),X線CTマルチスケール解析による青果物諸物性値の非破壊3次元分布計測,FOOMA Japan 2019, アカデミックプラザ 発表講演要旨集, 26, 73-76 (2019).

田中史彦,田中良奈,X線CTによる貯蔵青果物の内部構造解析,アグリバイオ,3(7),662-667 (2019).

Teppei Imaizumi*, Fumihiko Tanaka, Toshitaka Uchino: Effects of Mild Heating Treatment on Texture Degradation and Peroxidase Inactivation of Carrot under Pasteurization Conditions, Journal of Food Engineering, 257, 19-25 (2019).(IF=5.5) web


田中良奈 他,OS-10「食品および生物に関する低温利用技術」(in 佐々木直栄,報告記:2018年度日本冷凍空調学会年次大会),冷凍,94(2),57-58(2019)

田中史彦,田中良奈,解像度の異なる2種類のX線CT装置を用いた青果物物性値分布の非破壊計測,アグリバイオ,3(2),191-196 (2019).

田中史彦(分担執筆),「ポストハーベスト工学事典」,朝倉書店 (2018).

Fumihiko Tanaka, Fumina Tanaka (Ed. by Da-Wen Sun): Chapter 5 Improving the performance of partially loaded cold store by CFD in "Computational Fluid Dynamics in Food Processing, 2nd new edition", Taylor & Francis Ltd., ISBN: 9781138568310, pp.105-119 (2018).

Poly Karmoker, Wako Obatake, Fumina Tanaka, Fumihiko Tanaka*: Efficacy of 1-MCP for modulating the ethylene sensitivity of Japanese persimmon in relation with its internal structure. Environmental Control in Biology,56(4),177-185 (2018).

關屋まどか,田中良奈*,田中史彦,内野敏剛,藤田 明,加藤信治,谷口雅巳,数値流体力学(CFD) を用いた二温度帯コンテナ設計指針の検討,日本冷凍空調学会論文集,35(3),211-218 (2018).

田中史彦,田中良奈,青果物の混載輸送を可能にする二温度帯コンテナの開発,農業生産技術管理学会誌,25, 別冊1, 37-38 (2018).

田中史彦,高橋敦子,田中良奈,飼料用米(高アミロース米)ゲルの物性および加工適正の分析,平成29年度年報(公財)飯島藤十郎記念食品科学振興財団,33, 21-25 (2018).

田中良奈,關屋まどか,田中史彦,藤田明,加藤信治,谷口雅巳,混載を可能とする二温度帯コンテナの空調設計指針,2018年度日本冷凍空調学会年次大会講演論文集,D322,1-5 (2018).

田中史彦 他,OS-11「食品および生物に関する低温利用技術」(in 大久保英敏,報告記:2017年度日本冷凍空調学会年次大会),冷凍,93(8),566(2018)

Teppei Imaizumi, Mizuha Yamauchi, Madoka Sekiya, Yutaro Shimonishi, Fumihiko Tanaka*: Responses of Components and Tissue Conditions in Persimmon and Cucumber to Postharvest UV-C Irradiation, Postharvest Biology and Technology, 145, 33-40 (2018).

Nguyen Thi Hang Phuong, Toshitaka Uchino, Fumihiko Tanaka*: Effect of Packing Films on the Quality of Broccoli, Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 63(2), 339-346 (2018). pdf

田中史彦,田中良奈(農産食料流通工学研究室),青果物用二温度帯鮮度保持コンテナの開発とバイオスペックル法による鮮度評価,FOOMA Japan 2018, アカデミックプラザ 発表講演要旨集, 25, 279-282 (2018).

田中史彦*,田中良奈,農業施設に関わる研究・技術の最近の展開−青果物の低温流通と貯蔵施設について−,農業施設,49(2), 59-69 (2018)(査読有). web(農林水産研究情報総合センター内サイト)

田中史彦,田中良奈,マルチスケール解析による青果物の物性値分布の可視化,アグリバイオ,2(5),481-485 (2018).

Poly Karmoker*, Wako Obatake, Fumina Tanaka, Fumihiko Tanaka, Efficacy of 1-MCP on the internal structure of Japanese persimmon, Proceedings of ISMAB 2018 Korea, Jeju KAL Hotel, Jeju, p.431-436 (2018).

Fumina Tanaka*, Madoka Sekiya, Fumihiko Tanaka, Investigation into the design of the dual temperature reefer container using CFD, Proceedings of ISMAB 2018 Korea, Jeju KAL Hotel, Jeju, p.437-439 (2018).

Teppei Imaizumi*, Fumihiko Tanaka, Toshitaka Uchino, Kinetic evaluation of effects of low-temperature blanching on mechanical properties of carrot, Proceedings of ISMAB 2018 Korea, Jeju KAL Hotel, Jeju, p.1009-1012 (2018).

Phuong Thi Hang Nguyen*, Toshitaka Uchino, Fumihiko Tanaka, Effect of 1-MCP and temperature on the quality of broccoli, Proceedings of ISMAB 2018 Korea, Jeju KAL Hotel, Jeju, p.1311-1316 (2018).

Poly Karmoker, Wako Obatake, Fumina Tanaka, Fumihiko Tanaka*: Quality evaluation of 1-methylcyclopropene treated Japanese apricot using X-ray computed tomography, Food Science Technology Research, 24(3), 377-384 (2018).

Fumihiko Tanaka*, Kohei Nashiro, Wako Obatake, Fumina Tanaka, Toshitaka Uchino: Observation and analysis of internal structure of cucumber fruit during storage using X-ray computed tomography, Engineering in Agriculture, Environment and Food (EAEF), 11(2), 51-56 (2018).


田中史彦,青果物の輸出促進を支援する高鮮度流通技術と品質予測シミュレータの開発,opackめーる,43, 5 (2018).

Fumihiko Tanaka*, Keitaro Imamura, Fumina Tanaka, Toshitaka Uchino: Determination of thermal diffusivity of persimmon flesh tissue using three-dimensional structure model based on X-ray computed tomography, Journal of Food Engineering, 221, 151-157(2018).

Chinda Chhe, Teppei Imaizumi, Fumihiko Tanaka*, Toshitaka Uchino: Effects of hot-water blanching on the biological and physicochemical properties of sweet potato slices, Engineering in Agriculture, Environment and Food (EAEF), 11(1), 19-24(2018).

Teppei Imaizumi, Monika Szymanska-Chargot, Piotr M. Pieczywek, Monika Chylinska, Arkadiusz Koziol, Diana Ganczarenko, Fumihiko Tanaka, Toshitaka Uchino, Artur Zdunek, Evaluation of pectin nanostructure by atomic force microscopy in blanched carrot, LWT - Food Science and Technology, 84, 658-667(2017).

田中史彦,今村桂太郎,田中良奈,内野敏剛,X線CTマルチスケール解析による青果物の熱物性マッピング,2017年度日本冷凍空調学会年次大会講演論文集,D131,1-4 (2017).

關屋まどか,田中良奈,田中史彦,内野敏剛,数値流体力学 (CFD) を用いた二温度帯コンテナ設計指針の検討,2017年度日本冷凍空調学会年次大会講演論文集,D132,1-5 (2017).

田中史彦,マイクロ・ナノ微細構造情報に基づく青果物の品質評価法の確立,画像ラボ,9月号, 62-67 (2017).

内野敏剛,農産物の安全管理,機能材料,37(7), 53-60(2017).

Teppei Imaizumi, Fumihiko Tanaka*, Toshitaka Uchino: Numerical modeling of peroxidase inactivation in potato tubers, Transaction of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE), 60(2), 545-550 (2017).

Teppei Imaizumi*, Fumihiko Tanaka, Yuma Sato, Yuka Yoshida, Toshitaka Uchino: Evaluation of electrical and other physical properties of heated sweet potato, Journal of Food Process Engineering, 40(3), DOI: 10.1111/jfpe.12490 (2017).

内野敏剛,田中史彦(共同研究者:田中良奈,關屋まどか)(農産食料流通工学研究室),青果物の輸出を強力に支援する高鮮度保持船舶輸送コンテナの開発,FOOMA Japan 2017, アカデミックプラザ 発表講演要旨集, 24, 165-168 (2017).


田中史彦,先端技術を利用したフードチェーンシステムの高度化・最適化〜農産物の船舶による輸出促進を事例として〜,農業食料工学会80周年記念春季シンポジウム(3部会合同シンポジウム)「明日を切り拓く農業食料工学の最前線」講演要旨集,19-24 (2017).

高橋敦子,田中良奈,田中史彦*,内野敏剛,米ゲルの乾燥特性と吸水復元性評価,農業食料工学会誌,79(2), 131-139 (2017).

吉田有花,今泉鉄平,田中史彦*,内野敏剛,冷凍加工用ズッキーニのマイクロ波ブランチング処理,農業食料工学会誌,79(2),140-148 (2017).

Fumihiko Tanaka*, Rieko Cho, Sokichi Hata, Fumina Tanaka, Shingo Miyamoto, Toshitaka Uchino, Mortality modeling of adult Tribolium confusum (Jacquelin du Val) exposed to different concentrations of carbon dioxide in a mixture with nitrogen, Journal of Stored Products Research, 69, 113-118(2016).

Fumina Tanaka, Fumihiko Tanaka*, Ai Tanaka, Toshitaka Uchino, Effect of high temperature drying on amino acid decomposition in feed rice, Engineering in Agriculture, Environment and Food (EAEF), 10(1), 1-3 (2017).

内野敏剛,田中史彦(共同研究者:今泉鉄平,關屋まどか)(農産食料流通工学研究室),CFD/CAEアプローチによるポストハーベストシステムの最適化〜コンピュータが支援する食の安全と品質保持技術,FOOMA Japan 2016, アカデミックプラザ 発表講演要旨集, 23, 51-54(2016).

Chhe Chinda, Teppei Imaizumi, Fumihiko Tanaka, Toshitaka Uchino, Effects of hot water blanching on biological and physicochemical properties of sweet potato slice. Proceedings of ISMAB 2016 Japan, Toki Messe, Niigata, p.390-395 (2016).

Teppei Imaizumi, Fumihiko Tanaka, Toshitaka Uchino, Numerical modeling of peroxidase inactivation of potato tuber, Proceedings of ISMAB 2016 Japan, Toki Messe, Niigata, p.416-421 (2016).

Fumihiko Tanaka*, Kohei Nashiro, Vipavee Trivittayasil, Toshitaka Uchino: Simulation of UV-C dose distribution and inactivation of mold spore on strawberries in a conveyor system. Food Science Technology Research, 22(4), 461-466 (2016).



田中史彦,内野敏剛,第9章 低温高湿度保持コンテナの開発,「農畜産物輸出拡大の可能性を探る〜戦略的マーケティングと物流システム(福田晋編著)」,農林統計出版,163-176(2016).

Vipavee Trivittayasil, Fumihiko Tanaka*, Toshitaka Uchino, Simulation of UV-C intensity distribution and inactivation of mold spores on strawberries, Food Science and Technology Research, 22(2), 185-192(2016).


K. Takaki, J. Nishijima, S. Koide, K. Takahashi, T. Uchino, Decomposition of ethylen using dual-polarity pulsed dielectric barrier discharge, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 43(10), 3476-3482(2015).





内野敏剛,論説 学会の足固めと今後の発展,農業食料工学会誌,77(3),131-132(2015)

田中良奈,田中史彦,内野敏剛,粒度分布を考慮した飼料用砕米乾燥モデルの改良,農業食料工学会九州支部誌,64, 10-14(2015).

Fumina Tanaka, Fumihiko Tanaka*, A. Tanaka, T. Uchino, Mathematical modelling of thin-layer drying according to particle size distribution in crushed feed rice, Biosystems Engineering, 136, 87-91 (2015).

T. Imaizumi, F. Tanaka, D. Hamanaka, Y. Sato, T. Uchino*, Effects of hot water treatment on electrical properties, cell membrane structure and texture of potato tubers, Journal of Food Engineering, 162, 56-62 (2015).

Y. Umeno, H. V. Duong, F. Tanaka*, D. Hamanaka, T. Uchino, The use of CFD to simulate temperature distribution in refrigerated containers. Engineering in Agriculture, Environment and Food (EAEF), 8(4), 257-263 (2015).

J. H. Perez, Fumina Tanaka, Fumihiko Tanaka*, D. Hamanaka, T. Uchino, Three-dimensional numerical modeling of convective heat transfer in shallow depth forced-air drying of brown rice grains. Drying Technology, 33(11), 1350-1359 (2015).

Y. Umeno, F. Tanaka*, J. Otsuji, H. Shidara, T. Uchino, Simulation of droplet generation from injection water into air, Food Science and Technology Research, 21(3), 291-295 (2015).

V. Trivittayasil, K. Nashiro, F. Tanaka*, D. Hamanaka, T. Uchino, Inactivation characteristics and modeling of mold spores by UV-C radiation based on irradiation dose, Food Science and Technology Research, 21(3), 365-370 (2015).


内野敏剛他2名編,田中史彦(分担執筆),「農産食品プロセス工学」,文永堂出版 (2015).

T. Imaizumi, T. Orikasa*, S. Morifusa, L.V. Man, Y. Muramatsu, S. Koide, T. Uchino, F. Tanaka, D. Hamanaka, A. Tagawa, Effects of solution spraying during hot air drying on drying rate, surface hardening and browning of fresh-cut Japanese pear, Engineering in Agriculture, Environment and Food (EAEF),8(1),1-6(2015).

高橋克幸,内野敏剛,小出章二,高木浩一,6.プラズマのフードサプライチェーンへの活用,小特集プラズマの農業利用,プラズマ・核融合学会誌,90巻,10号,601-604 (2014).

内野敏剛,7.まとめ,小特集プラズマの農業利用,プラズマ・核融合学会誌,90巻,10号,605-607 (2014).

森松和也,田中那奈,濱中大介,内野敏剛,田中史彦,バイオフィルムを形成したPseudomonas putidaに対する次亜塩素酸ナトリウムの除去及び殺菌効果,防菌防黴,42巻12号,647-650(2014).

内野敏剛,総論 青果物が持つ情報の共有と利用−青果物流通中の品質変化予測−,農産物流通技術2014,3-7(2014).


内野敏剛,論説 食料・食品工学部会の活動について,農業食料工学会誌,76(5),349-350(2014).

T. Orikasa*, S. Koide, S. Okamoto, T. Imaizumi, Y. Muramatsu, J. Takeda, T. Shiina, A. Tagawa, Impacts of hot air and vacuum drying on the quality attributes of kiwifruit slices, Journal of Food Engineering, 125, 51-58(2014).


内野敏剛,特集 農産物と食品のはざま−消費者に向けた技術の展開−農産物収穫後技術の変化,機械化農業,3159号,5-10(2014)

喜田環樹,浦川修司, 松尾守展, 田中史彦, 内野敏剛,ロールベール流通のための生産履歴管理システムの開発 2. 自走式ベールラッパ用ロールベール計量装置の開発,日本草地学会誌, 60(3), 186-192(2014)

H. Sorour*, F. Tanaka, T. Uchino, Impact of non-thermal processing on the microbial and bioactive content of foods: Review paper, Global Journal of Biology, Agriculture & Health Sciences, 3(1), 153-167(2014).

V. Trivittayasil, F. Tanaka*, D. Hamanaka, T. Uchino, Prediction of surface temperature of figs during infrared heating and its effect on the quality, Biosystems Engineering, 122, 16-22(2014).

Fumina Tanaka, K. Yamashita, A. Tanaka, Fumihiko Tanaka*, D. Hamanaka, T. Uchino, High temperature drying characteristics of crushed rice for animal feed, Engineering in Agriculture, Environment and Food (EAEF), 7, 133-138(2014).

今泉鉄平,村松良樹,折笠貴寛,濱中大介,田中史彦,内野敏剛,田川彰男,イモ類およびダイコンの熱物性および電気的特性に及ぼす熱湯浸漬,食品科学工学会,61(6), 244-250(2014).

M. D. Nguyen*, L.D. Manh, D. Hamanaka, H. V. Duong, F. Tanaka, T. Uchino:
Surface conditioning of stainless steel coupons with skim milk, buttermilk, and butter serum solutions and its effect on bacterial adherence, Food Control, 42, 94-100(2014).

喜田環樹, 手島茂樹, 田中史彦, 内野敏剛,3Dデジタルカメラによる放牧牛の体型推定,日本草地学会, 6(2), 85-90 (2014).


M.E. Rezagah, S. Ishida, F. Tanaka*, T. Uchino, D. Hamanaka, Y. Hikida, Temperature dependency of gas diffusivity and skin resistance of Japanese pear (Oushuu) based on the fruit’s true 3D geometry. Food Science and Technology Research, 20(2), 247-253 (2014).

J. H. Perez, F. Tanaka*, D. Hamanaka, T. Uchino, Numerical modeling of heterogeneous moisture diffusion in milled rice grains with diffusivity coefficient modeled as a function of moisture, temperature and time, Food Science and Technology Research, 20(1), 59-64 (2014).

M.E. Rezagah, S. Ishida, F. Tanaka*, T. Uchino, D. Hamanaka, Y. Hikida, Determination of gas diffusivity and skin resistance for three cultivars of Japanese pear using their actual 3D geometry, Environment Control in Biology, 51(4), 193-200 (2013)

内野敏剛,農産物・食品の安全と品質の確保技術−第1回 連載開始にあたって−,農業機械学会誌,75(5),295‐297(2013).

内野敏剛,第10章 予冷冷却装置,「冷凍空調便覧W巻 食品・生物編」,日本冷凍空調学会,367-368(2013).

H. V. Duong, D. Hamanaka, F. Tanaka, T. Uchino*, Particle size distribution of new type nanomist humidifier, Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 58(2), 365-370(2013).

入江文子,D.V. Hung,濱中大介,田中史彦,内野敏剛,ホウレンソウの気孔開口面積と重量損失に及ぼす温湿度の影響,農業食料工学会九州支部誌,62,6-9(2013).


T. Vipavee, F. Tanaka*, D. Hamanaka, T. Uchino, The inactivation model of mold spores by infrared heating under non-isothermal condition, Food Science and Technology Research, 19(6), 979-982(2013).

T. Vipavee, F. Tanaka, D. Hamanaka, T. Uchino, Investigation of inactivation characteristics of mold conidia by UV-C radiation, Proceedings of International Symposium on Quality Management of Fruits and Vegetables for Human Health (FVHH2013).

D. Hamanaka, S. Kubo, F. Tanaka, T. Uchino, Effect of storage conditions on the photo-reactivation of ultraviolet-irradiated bacteria cells, Processdings of International Symposium on Quality Management of Fruits and Vegetables for Human Health (FVHH2013).

M.E. Rezagah, S. Ishida, F. Tanaka*, D. Hamanaka, T. Uchino, Three-dimensional heat transfer modeling of Japanese pear (Pyrus pyrifolia) during tempering, Food Science and Technology Research, 19(5), 765-771(2013).

S. Koide, A. Nakagawa, K. Omoe, K. Takaki, T. Uchino, Physical and microbial collection efficiencies of an electrostatic precipitator for abating airborne particulates in postharvest agricultural processing, Journal of Electrostatics, 71, 734-738(2013).

田川彰男,今泉鉄平,野菜の加工前処理 ブランチングへのマイクロ波の適用およびデハイドロフリージングにおける解凍と復水条件の検討,冷凍,88,32‐39(2013).

濱中大介,「食品における非加熱殺菌技術 研究の最新動向」 第9講 赤外線-紫外線併用技術を用いた非加熱殺菌技術,エヌ・ティー・エス,137-148(2013).

喜田環樹, 浦川修司, 松尾守展, 田中史彦, 内野敏剛, ロールベール流通のための生産履歴管理システムの開発 1. システムの構築と生産法人における検証,日本草地学会誌,59(1), 14-20(2013).




K. Morimatsu, D. Hamanaka, F. Tanaka, T. Uchino, Effects of temperature fluctuation on biofilm formation with bacterial interaction between Salmonella enterica and Pseudomonas putida. Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 58(1), 125-129(2013)


K. Morimatsu, K. Eguchi, D. Hamanaka*, F. Tanaka, T. Uchino, Effects of temperature and nutrient condition on biofilm formation of Pseudomonas putida. Food Science and Technology Research, 18(6), 879-883(2012)

F. Tanaka*, Y. Konishi, Y. Kuroki, D. Hamanaka, T. Uchino: The use of CFD to improve the performance of a partially loaded store. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 35(6), 874-880(2012).

F. Tanaka*, M. Chatani, H. Kawashima, D. Hamanaka, T. Uchino: CFD modeling of infrared thermal treatment of figs (Ficus carica L.). Journal of Food Process Engineering, 35(6), 821-828(2012).



内野敏剛,田中史彦 他,よくわかる農業施設用語解説集,筑波書房(2012).

S. Koide*, D. Yasokawa, K. Omoe, T. Uchino: Concentration of airborne microorganisms in a rice storage facility. Journal of the Japanese Society of Agricultural Machinery, 74(3), 244-246(2012).

J. H. Perez, F. Tanaka*, T. Uchino: Modeling of mass transfer and initiation of hygroscopically induced cracks in rice grains in a thermally controlled soaking condition: with dependency of diffusion coefficient to moisture content and temperature - a 3D finite element approach. Journal of Food Engineering, 111(3), 519-527(2012).


宮本眞吾*,箕輪陽介,田中史彦,下水汚泥焼却灰を用いた養液栽培用培地の開発,農業施設,42(3), 92-99 (2011).


D. Hamanaka*, M. Onishi, T. Genkawa, F. Tanaka, T. Uchino: Effects of temperature and nutrient concentration on the structural characteristics and removal of vegetable-associated Pseudomonas biofilm. Food Control, 24(1-2), 165-170(2012).

M. D. Nguyen*, D. Hamanaka, F. Tanaka, T. Uchino: Control of milk pH reduces biofilm formation of Bacillus licheniformis and Lactobacillus paracasei on stainless steel. Food Control, 23(1), 215-220(2012).

佐藤はるか,田中史彦*,内野敏剛,ジョナサン ペレス ホンラダ,源川拓磨,米粒形状モデルによる拡散係数の決定.農業機械学会誌,73(5), 313-320(2011).

D. Hamanaka, N. Oyama, T. Genkawa, F. Tanaka, T. Uchino: Application of vibrating trough to surface decontamination of grains by infrared heating, Journal of Kyushu Branch of the Japanese Society of Agricultural Machinery, 60, 25-29(2011).

H. V. Duong, F. Tanaka, T. Uchino*, N. Hiruma: Using nanomist humidifier to maintain postharvest quality of fig (Ficus carica L.) fruit in high humidity storage environment. Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 56(2),361-365(2011).

H. V. Duong, S. Tong, F. Tanaka, E. Yasunaga, D. Hamanaka, N. Hiruma, T. Uchino*: Controlling the weight loss of fresh produce during postharvest storage under a nano-size mist environment. Journal of Food Engineering, 106(4), 325-330 (2011).

J. H. Perez, F. Tanaka*, T. Uchino: Comparative 3D simulation on water absorption and hygroscopic swelling in japonica rice grains under various isothermal soaking conditions. Food Research International, 44(9), 2615-2623(2011).


渡邊建士,田中史彦*,内野敏剛,液相-バイオフィルム間の物質移動を考慮したシミュレーションモデルの構築,日本食品科学工学会誌,58(7), 318-323(2011).

内野敏剛,田中史彦,濱中大介,福田晋,堀田和彦,馬場紀子,法村奈保子,塚崎守啓,篠崎聡,比留間直也,江龍晃,伊東一敏,眞野晃造,垣内誠,波多江淳治,日野則子,青柳善磨,野中真太郎,IR・UV殺菌と超微細ミストによる青果物の高度鮮度保持技術,農流技研会報,286, 9-11(2011).

内野敏剛,田中史彦,濱中大介,福田晋,堀田和彦,馬場紀子,法村奈保子,塚崎守啓,篠崎聡,比留間直也,江龍晃,伊東一敏,眞野晃造,垣内誠,波・ス江淳治,日野則子,青柳善磨,野中真太郎,電磁波殺菌とナノミストを用いた青果物の高鮮度輸送技術の開発,農林水産技術研究ジャーナル,34(4), 48-51(2011).

D. Hamanaka*, H. Yamada, V. Trivittayasil, T. Kadoyanagi, F. Tanaka, T. Uchino: Inactivation of pre- and post-germinated mold spores by infrared radiation heating and ultraviolet irradiation. Food Science and Technology Research, 17(4), 295-299(2011).

D. Hamanaka*, H. Yamada, V. Trivittayasil, T. Kadoyanagi, F. Tanaka, T. Uchino: Effect of different heat treatment on Bacillus subtilis spores inactivation by ultraviolet irradiation. Food Science and Technology Research, 17(4), 289-293(2011).

花田祐介,安永円理子,内野敏剛,田中史彦,中野浩平,筑紫二郎,収穫後の環境要因を考慮したインゲンマメの品質変化予測モデル,植物環境工学,23(2), 66-74(2011).

V. Trivittayasil, F. Tanaka*, T. Uchino: Investigation of deactivation of mould conidia by infrared heating in a model-based approach. Journal of Food Engineering, 104(4), 565-570(2011).

T. Genkawa*, F. Tanaka, D. Hamanaka, T. Uchino: Incidence of open crack formation in short-grain polished rice during soaking in water at different temperatures. Journal of Food Engineering, 103(4), 457-463(2011).


宮本眞吾*,源川拓磨,内野敏剛,常温貯蔵を目的とした水ストレスおよびLED照射によるトマト苗の生長制御,農業施設,41(4), 156-162.


宮崎 秀雄*,明石 真幸,内野 敏剛,分光測色による玉緑茶の色沢および水色評価,茶業研究報告,110, 37-47.

H. V. Duong, S. Morris, R. McConchie, F. Tanaka, D. Hamanaka, T. Uchino: Rockmelon (Cucumis melo L.) fruit ripening and postharvest quality following application of aminoethoxyvinylglycine. Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 55(2), 281-285

D. Hamanaka*, N. Norimura, N. Baba, K. Mano, M. Kakiuchi, F. Tanaka, T. Uchino: Surface decontamination of fig fruit by combination of infrared radiation heating with ultraviolet irradiation. Food Control, 22(3-4), 375-380.

H. V. Duong, Y. Nakano, F. Tanaka, D. Hamanaka, T. Uchino*: Preserving the strength of corrugated cardboard under high humidity condition using nano-sized mists. Composites Science and Technology, 70(14), 2123-2127.

F. Tanaka, T. Uchino (Ed. by Z. Pan): Chapter 3, Heat and mass transfer modeling in “Infrared Heating for Food and Agricultural Processing”. CRC Press, 41-55.

F. Tanaka*, Y. Ide, M. Kinjo, T. Genkawa, D. Hamanaka, T. Uchino: Development of thick layer re-wetting model for brown rice packaged with LDPE and PBT films. Journal of Food Engineering, 101(2), 223-227.

H. V. Duong, R. McConchie, S. Morris: Pre-harvest treatment with aminoethoxyvinylglycine influences fruit ripening and post-storage quality of benzothiadiazole-treated rockmelon (Cucumis melo L.). Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology, 51(4), 288-294.

H. V. Duong, Y. Nakano, S. Tong, F. Tanaka, D. Hamanaka, T. Uchino*: Measurements of particle size distributions produced by humidifiers operating in high humidity storage environments. Biosystems Engineering, 107(1), 54-60.

M. D. Nguyen*, D. Hamanaka, F. Tanaka, T. Uchino, Surface conditioning of stainless steel coupons with skim milk solutions at different pH values and its effect on bacterial adherence. Food Control, 21(12), 1769-1773.

D. Hamanaka*, G.G. Atungulu, F. Tanaka, T. Uchino, Effect of combining infrared heating with ultraviolet irradiation on inactivation of mold spores, Food Science and Technology Research, 16(4), 279-284.

D. Hamanaka*, F. Tanaka, Chapter 26, Other Thermal Processing -Infrared Heating- in 「Mathematical modelling in Food Processing」Ed: Mohammed M. Farid, CRC Press, 707-718.


H. V. Duong, S. Tong, Y. Nakano, T. Uchino, F. Tanaka, D. Hamanaka, Comparison of particle concentration and size distribution by nanomist and ultrasonic humidifiers, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Agricultural and Bio-systems Engineering, 64-71.

T. Genkawa, T. Uchino, F. Tanaka, D. Hamanaka, Visualization of moisture distribution in rice grains with confocal laser scanning microscopy, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Agricultural and Bio-systems Engineering, 191-196.

T. Uchino*, F. Tanaka, D. Hamanaka, Moisture content and strength of corrugated cardboard exposed to the nano size mist, Acta Horticulturae, 880, 533-537.

D. Hamanaka*, K. Morimatsu, F. Tanaka, T. Uchino, Surface adhesion of Salmonella enterica and Staphylococcus aureus under fluctuating temperature, Acta Horticulturae, 880, 541-546.

安永円理子,内野敏剛,吉田敏,筑紫二郎,田中史彦,流通環境におけるシュンギクの呼吸速度の予測,植物環境工学,21(4), 143-148.


H. V. Duong, S. Tong, Y. Nakano, T. Uchino*, F. Tanaka, D. Hamanaka, Particle concentration and size distribution by nanomist humidifier, Journal of Kyushu Branch of JSAM, 58, 11-15.





T. Genkawa, T. Uchino, F. Tanaka, D. Hamanaka, H. Tomizawa, Effect of low-moisture preconditioning of rice on texture and eating quality, J. JSAM, 71(3), 78-84.

濱中大介,田中史彦,内野敏剛,講座,食品の殺菌手法−その原理・特徴・現状・課題,物理的手法 (5)食品の電磁波殺菌−赤外線殺菌−,防菌防黴,37(5),377-383.

濱中大介,カット野菜品質・衛生管理ハンドブック 第6章 品目別カット青果物の品質特性,サイエンスフォーラム,124-128.

F. Tanaka*, T. Uchino, D. Hamanaka, S. Miyamoto, ANN prediction of the thermal inactivation time of microorganisms during microwave heating, J. JSATM, 15(3), 152-158.


T. Genkawa, T. Uchino, S. Miyamoto, A. Inoue, Y. Ide, F. Tanaka, D. Hamanaka, Development of a mathematical model for simulating moisture content during the re-wetting of brown rice stored in film packaging, Biosystems Engineering, 101(4), 445-451.

内野敏剛,田中史彦,濱中大介,総説 青果物流通中の温度・品質変化と赤外・紫外線による微生物制御,食品工業,51,20-26.

D. Hamanaka*, A. Niihara, K. Morimatsu, G.G. Atungulu, F. Tanaka, T. Uchino, Effect of fluctuating temperature on adhesion of bacteria related to fresh produce, Acta Horticulturae, 837, 205-210.

D. Hamanaka*, H. Izumi, Combined effect of mustard and hop extract agents with emulsifier on microbial quality and physiology of fresh-cut vegetables, Food Science and Technology Research, 14(6), 565-572.

Griffiths G. Atungulu, T. Uchino, F. Tanaka, D. Hamanaka, Lipid hydrolysis and genotype analysis of microbial distribution on rice treated with volatiles from fractionated propolis, Proceedings of Annual Meeting of American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE2008).

F. Tanaka, T. Uchino, D. Hamanaka, Development of software for sweet potato grading using machine vision, Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (ISMAB 2008).

T. Uchino, D. Itoh, F. Tanaka, D. Hamanaka, Development of prediction model for sugar content of fresh shredded cabbage, Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (ISMAB 2008).

F. Tanaka*, T. Uchino, D. Hamanaka, Griffiths G. Atungulu, Yen-Con Hung, Dielectric properties of mirin in the microwave frequency range, Journal of Food Engineering, 89(4), 435-440.

F. Tanaka*, T. Uchino, D. Hamanaka, Griffiths G. Atungulu, Mathematical modeling of pneumatic drying of rice powder, Journal of Food Engineering, 88, 492-498.

F. Tanaka*, K. Morita, H. Sekiya, N. Izumi, T. Uchino, D. Hamanaka, G.G. Atungulu, Modelling variability in initial parameters for the simulation of rough rice drying using the covariance decomposition algorithm, Biosystems Engineering, 100, 53-57.

F. Tanaka*, Y. Maeda, T. Uchino, D. Hamanaka, Griffiths G. Atungulu, Monte Carlo simulation of the collective behavior of food particles in pneumatic drying operation, LWT-Food Science and Technology, 41(9), 1567-1574.

T. Genkawa, T. Uchino*, A. Inoue, F. Tanaka, D. Hamanaka, Development of a low-moisture-content storage system for brown rice: Storability at decreased moisture contents, Biosystems Engineering, 99(4), 515-522.

G.G. Atungulu*, T. Uchino, F. Tanaka, D. Hamanaka, Effect of vapors from fractionated samples of propolis on microbial and oxidation damage of rice during storage, Journal of Food Engineering, 88(3), 341-352.


T. Genkawa, A. Inoue, T. Uchino, F. Tanaka, D. Hamanaka, Optimization of drying condition for brown rice with low moisture content, J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ., 52(2), 381-385.

T. Genkawa, H. Tomizawa, T. Uchino, F. Tanaka, D. Hamanaka, Generating mechanism of open crack formation in polished rice with moisture content and reduction of open crack by vacuum infusion, Proceedings of Interntional Workshop on Agricultural and Bio-systems Engineering (IWABE), Ho chi minh city, 410-414.

Nguyen Manh Dat, A. Niihara, D. Hamanaka, F. Tanaka, T. Uchino, Biofilm-forming ability of some dairy related bacteria, Proceedings of Interntional Workshop on Agricultural and Bio-systems Engineering (IWABE), Ho chi minh city, 206-211.

D. Hamanaka, F. Tanaka, T. Uchino, Effect of the combination of infrared heating with ultra violet irradiation on the inactivation of mold ascospores, Proceedings of Interntional Workshop on Agricultural and Bio-systems Engineering (IWABE), Ho chi minh city, 44-50.

F. Tanaka, T. Uchino, D. Hamanaka, Griffiths G. Atungulu, Monte Carlo simulation of pneumatic drying of rice powder, Proceedings of Interntional Workshop on Agricultural and Bio-systems Engineering (IWABE), Ho chi minh city, 78-86.

T. Uchino, F. Tanaka, D. Hamanaka, N. Seike, Mathematical model for microbial growth under a fluctuating temperature, Proceedings of Interntional Workshop on Agricultural and Bio-systems Engineering (IWABE), Ho chi minh city.

Griffiths G. Atungulu, F. Tanaka, T. Uchino, D. Hamanaka, Bioactivity of propolis and its derivatives in food preservation, Proceedings of Interntional Workshop on Agricultural and Bio-systems Engineering (IWABE), Ho chi minh city, 10-16.

F. Tanaka, T. Uchino, D. Hamanaka, Griffiths G. Atungulu, Kazuo Morita, Development of stochastic drying model of rough rice, Proceedings of International Seminar on Agricultural Structure and Agricultural Engineering, Taipei, 114-119.

D. Hamanaka, A. Niihara, H. Umezaki, Griffiths G. Atungulu, F. Tanaka, T. Uchino, Effect of culture condition on the adhesion of bacteria isolated from cucmber fruit, Proceedings of International Seminar on Agricultural Structure and Agricultural Engineering, Taipei, 130-135.

内野敏剛, 流通中の農産物・食品に表在する微生物の増殖挙動予測, 冷凍

守田和夫・田中史彦, 低温流通での温度履歴と予測微生物学を組み合わせたSQF管理の可能性について, 冷凍

E. Yasunaga, S. Yoshida, T. Uchino, G. Furue, Respiratory characteristics and changes in quality of garland chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum coronarium) during simulated distribution conditions, Acta Horticulturae, No. 746, 387-392.

D. Hamanaka, A. Niihara, H. Umezaki, T. Uchino, Study on biofilm formation of bacteria isolated from cucumber fruits. Acta Horticulturae, No.746, 395-399.

新原亜由美・濱中大介, 解説 農産物付着微生物の計測、分離、同定法−培養法による微生物の計測、分離−, 農業機械学会九州支部誌, 56, 37-39.

濱中大介, 解説 農産物付着微生物の計測、分離、同定法−遺伝子解析を利用した微生物属種の同定−, 農業機械学会九州支部誌, 56, 41-44.

D. Hamanaka, T. Uchino, A. Inoue, K. Kawasaki, Y. Hori, Development of the rotating type grain sterilizer using infrared radiation heating, J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ., 52(1), 107-110

岩崎浩一・守田和夫・田中史彦・末吉武志,有機系廃棄物の有効利用に関する研究,擬似バイオガスとWMEの小型ディーゼル機関への適用.農業生産技術管理学会誌,14(2), 75-80.

岩崎浩一・末吉武志・田中史彦,ロータリ耕うん装置の力学的特性,チェーンスプリット機構に関する検討.農業生産技術管理学会誌,14(1), 49-53

Kumai, N., Tanaka, F., Morita, K.: CFD Modeling of Far Infrared Radiation Heating for Surface Decontamination of Food. The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineer’s Annual Meeting Paper #073003, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA (2007)

Mjema, I. R., Miyazato, Y., Morita, K., Tanaka, F.: Basic Studies on Measurement of Chemical Oxygen Demand in Organic Solution of Protein using NIR and Chemo Metrics. The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineer’s Annual Meeting Paper #074042, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

Mjema, I. R., Miyazato, Y., Morita, K., Tanaka, F.: Basic Studies on Measurement of Chemical Oxygen Demand in Organic Solution of Sugar using NIR and Chemo Metrics. The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineer’s Annual Meeting Paper #074043, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

Mjema, I. R., Miyazato, Y., Morita, K., Tanaka, F.: Basic Studies on Measurement of Chemical Oxygen Demand in Organic Solution of Composite Materials using NIR and Chemo Metrics. The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineer’s Annual Meeting Paper #074045, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

Morita, K., Nakaharai, S., Fukumine, H., Tanaka, F.: Basic Study on Solid Methane Fermentation of Chicken waste and Utilization of Biogas. The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineer’s Annual Meeting Paper #074052, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

Morita, K., Teruya, A., Tanaka, F.: Basic Study on Cultivation of Ramie as Nitrogen Fixation Crop. The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineer’s Annual Meeting Paper #074061, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

Kamitani, Y., Hiejima, H., Morita, K., Tanaka, F.: Application of EO-water to Freshness Effect of Cut Flowers. The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineer’s Annual Meeting Paper #076114, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

Kamitani, Y., Hiejima, H., Morita, K., Tanaka, F.: Evaluation of Bactericidal Effect and Sterilization Time of Microorganism using Electrolyzed Strong Acid Aqueous Solution. The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineer’s Annual Meeting Paper #076115, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

Kamitani, Y., Hiejima, H., Morita, K., Tanaka, F.: Effect of Super-oxide Inactivation of Ascorbic Acid using Alkaline Electrolyzed Water. The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineer’s Annual Meeting Paper #076116, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

Sekiya, H., Tanaka, F., Morita, K.: Stochastic Modeling of Rough Rice Drying. The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineer’s Annual Meeting Paper #076195, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA


韓文学,内野敏剛,藤元優希,濱中大介,田中俊一郎,Bacillus cereusの増殖挙動予測モデルの開発,九大農学芸誌,61(1),1‐6,2006

内野敏剛 青果物の廃棄処理,日本食品保蔵科学会編:食品保蔵・流通技術ハンドブック,建帛社,東京

T. Uchino, Modeling respiration rate of fresh fruits and vegetables, In "Advances in Postharvest Technologies for Horticultural Crops" ed. by Benkeblia, N., Shiomi, N., Research Signpost, Kerala, pp.59-85.

D. Hamanaka, T. Uchino, N. Furuse, W. Han, S. Tanaka, Effect of the wavelength of infrared heaters on the inactivation of bacterial spores at various water activities, International Journal of Food Microbiology, 108(2), 281-285.

D. Nei, T. Uchino, N. Sakai, S. Tanaka, Prediction of sugar consumption in shredded cabbage using a respiratory model., Postharvest Biology and Technology, 41, 56-61.

H. Sorour, T. Uchino, Effect of infrared irradiation and conditioning method on the wheat storability, Misr Soc. Agric. Eng., 23(3), 611-632.


D. Hamanaka, T. Uchino, A. Inoue, K. Kawasaki, Y. Hori, Development of the rotation type grain sterilizer using infrared radiation heating, Proc. IUFoST 13th World Congress of Food Science and Technology, 1615-1616, Nantes, France.

F. Tanaka, K. Morita, T. Uchino, Mathematical modeling of pneumatic drying of food particle, Proc. IUFoST 13th World Congress of Food Science and Technology, 513-514, Nantes, France.

E. Yasunaga, T. Uchino, S. Yoshida, J. Chikushi, Temperature Dependency of Km and Vmax of Michaelis-Menten type respiration model parameters for various fruits and vegetables, Proc. IUFoST 13th World Congress of Food Science and Technology, 447-448, Nantes, France.

T. Genkawa, A. Inoue, D. Hamanaka, T. Uchino, The effect of lowering moisture content on storability of brown rice, Proc. IUFoST 13th World Congress of Food Science and Technology, 331-332, Nantes, France.

T. Uchino, D. Hamanaka, W. Han, Y. Fujimoto, F. Tanaka, Development of a growth model for Bacillus cereus under various conditions., Proc. IUFoST 13th World Congress of Food Science and Technology, 1617-1618, Nantes, France.



D. Hamanaka, T. Uchino, N. Furuse, S. Tanaka, Inactivation effect of infrared radiation heating on bacterial spores pretreated at various water activities Biocontrol Science 10(1, 2): 61-65.

W. Hu, P. Xu, T. Uchino, Extending storage life of fresh ginseng by modified atmosphere packaging, Journal of the Society of Food and Agriculture 85, 2475-2481

D. Nei, T Uchino, N. Sakai, S. Tanaka, Effect of high temperature on the apparent activation energy of respiration of fresh produce, Postharvest Biology and Technology 37: 277-285

D. Nei, T Uchino, N. Sakai, S. Tanaka, Prediction of deterioration of tomatoes by using CO2 production, Proceedings of International Conference on Research Highlights and Vanguard Technology on Environmental Engneering in Agricultural System, 61-64.

D. Nei, T Uchino, N. Sakai, S. Tanaka, The Effect of Temperature on the Quality of Tomato and Eggplant Fruits during Distribution, J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ. 50 (1): 213-221

T. Uchino, K. Nakaji, D. Nei, E. Yasunaga, K. Nakao, Effect of Respiration on Bioelectric Potential on the Surface of Tomato Fruit Harvested J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ. 50 (1): 201-210


T. Uchino, D. Nei, W. Hu, H. Sorour, Development of a mathematical model for dependence of respiration rate of fresh produce on temperature and time, Postharvest Biology and Technology 34: 285-293

H. Sorour, T Uchino, Effect of Changing Temperature on the Deterioration of Soya Beans, Biosystems Engineering 87(4): 453-462

H. Sorour, T Uchino, The Effect of Storage Condition on the Respiration of Soybean, Journal of the Japanese Society of Agricultural Machinery 66(1): 66-74.

W. Hu, S. Tanaka, T. Uchino, Effects of Packaging Film and Storage Temperature on the Quality of Fresh Ginseng Packaged in Modified Atmospere, J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ. 49(1): 139-147

W. Hu, S. Tanaka, T. Uchino, D. Nei, Storage Life Extension of Ginseng Using Active Modified Atmosphere Packaging by Nitrogen Generator, J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ. 49(2): 401-408

内野敏剛・藤井秀明・中司 敬・大西 正・池田一敏・山中捷一郎・藤木徳實,農林地保全のためのタケの侵入被害防止対策への一提案,農業機械学会九州支部誌 52: 11-15

井上歩美・内野敏剛・濱中大介・川崎浩平・田中俊一郎,コムギの初期水分の違いが赤外線加熱による表面殺菌効果に及ぼす影響,農業機械学会九州支部誌 53,1-6
